To make these popsicles, I used the Zoku Quick Pop Maker. This is my second attempt at this recipe. My first attempt failed horribly. The original recipe for this comes from Zoku's Quick Pop Recipe Book by Jackie Zorovich and Kristina Sacci. I changed some of the directions based on my last experience trying to make these. I made 2 popsicles here however the recipe below is to make 6 popsicles.
3 chocolate sandwich cookies
1/4 cup crumbled chocolate cookies
8 oz sugar-free vanilla pudding (2 individual serving cups)
1/2 cup water
3 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
First make the vanilla base by mixing the vanilla pudding, water, sugar and vanilla extract. After the vanilla pudding and sugar have become smooth in consistency, place in the refrigerator.
Split the 3 chocolate sandwich cookies in half, scrap off the creme in the center with a butter knife, and crumble them into chunky pieces. Reserve.
Split more chocolate sandwich cookies in half, scrap off the creme in the center, and smash them into finer pieces in a bowl. I used the bunt ends of chopsticks to do this and smashed them in a measuring cup.Now it's time to use the reserved larger cookie pieces. Take out the Zoku Quick Pop Maker from the freezer. Dip the decorative side of a cookie piece in the vanilla base.
Pat dry with a paper towel.
Use your finger (I also used chopsticks when my fingers couldn't reach) to apply the dipped cookie to the wall of the pop maker mold. Repeat with remaining cookie pieces.
Mix the crumbled chocolate cookies with the vanilla mix. Transfer the vanilla mix to the measuring cup.Pour mix into pop maker mold a little short of the fill line.
Insert popsicle stick after.
Normally you are supposed to insert the stick before pouring the popsicle mix, however this is what screwed me last time. The spacing of the mold is narrow and it's hard to pour with the stick in the way. It didn't fill the mold well either and left a lot of gaps in between the larger cookie pieces and the popsicle stick. No bueno. Doing this step in reverse produced better results.
Place Zoku Quick Pop Maker in the freezer. I do this to get the pops to freeze better and faster.
I left the pops in the freeze for a while, about 20 minutes. The mix is thicker so I wanted to make sure they would freeze.
Take out the Zoku Quick Pop Maker from the freezer.Use the Supper Tool to extract your pops.
These pops were really good! Not too sweet either. Next time I would put more larger cookie pieces against the wall of the pop mold to make it look prettier. Otherwise, these were great!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Cookies and Cream Popsicles

hey Cindy! it's Elie... I love the blog... as soon as i get back to regular blogging schedule i have to have you for a guest post... i need to get one of these machines!!!
Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying the blog. I would love to guest post! That sounds rad! Yeah, I'm loving my Zoku so far. I can't wait to make some booze popsicles. :-)
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